Apology to Firefighters / DFD Assesment Tour

todayFebruary 7, 2014 4

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While I was doing the show last week, I watched my phone blow up with Firefighters around the world ripping me a new rear end about a Facebook Post while we were on the air.  🙁

I have since apologized to them and listened to their needs.  They want the tools to do the job, a working code red system to cut response time in half, protection to the seniority system, pensions protected and, a working code red system that will cut response time in half.  I will be doing an assessment tour of firehouses in Detroit coming back with results for action by the citizens and council. This will include a segment on controlling health care costs.

The online apology can be found by clicking here


Ronnie Dahl  WXYZ TV 7  Detroit Interview

Weed Man


Written by: WeedMan

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