Episode 63: Lessons Yet Learned – Rodney King
In this episode we take a departure from the normal comedy and interviews, It's been 30 years since Rodney King was attacked. It seems we have learned nothing in that time.
In this episode we take a departure from the normal comedy and interviews, It's been 30 years since Rodney King was attacked. It seems we have learned nothing in that time.
Ace and Mr. Doctor Cookie are back again for the first time. Odd got to talk to Actor and Screenwriter Marc Sheffler, this episode has him playing a round of #InterviewRoulette with Odd.
It's a long title I know, but it feels fitting given who my guest for #InterviewRoulette is. Her name is Susan Lanier, she is an actress, blues musician, theatrical stage actor and bright ray of sunshine. Just to name off a few of her credits. Most people will know her as having been in The Hills Have Eyes (1977). Join our "Cult Of Odd" or "Cult Of Odd Plus" membership […]
Welcome to the great rebrandening, that's not a word...or at least it wasn't until now! Zeitgeist Baby! Anyways, We are The Cult Of Odd and we're here to bring you love and joy and make you go...wtf did they just say? It's The Odd Podd evolved...devolved...revolved...some sort of volved happened and here we are.
The final episode of The Odd Podd is here. It's fitting that Travis Dunn (pun incoming) closed out The Odd Podd. Odd was in a lot of pain during this episode, so it's a bit slower paced than normal. We hope you enjoy it! Music From: Robert Louis: https://www.facebook.com/therobertlouisband Leaving Lifted: https://www.facebook.com/LeavingLiftedMusic The Chinchillionaires: https://www.facebook.com/The-Chinchillionaires-944611018964168 Travis' Main Website: http://www.thetravisdunn.com/ Clips of Travis' Work: http://www.thetravisdunn.com/Demo/demo.html Lost Dragon Studios: http://lostdragonstudios.com/Mission/mission.html https://youtu.be/SZ-FwRW-uXw
This is 1 of 2 last episodes of The Odd Podd, catch #interviewroulette with MCL! We've got terrifying Christmas traditions from around the world and Interesting facts about Christmas you might not know.
On this episode of The Odd Podd Artie Hoffman Enters The Odd Podd, you'll get a round of #interviewroulette and hear Odd Man talking about the interview/reading. Ollie will be joining him for this episode. Ace is off this week and we're never entirely sure when Cory is gonna show up. We got music for you from... Full Monty, Oceanhoarse, Bullet To The Heart, Be sure you check out our […]
First and foremost Larry Hankin Enters The Odd Podd this week. You'll hear #InterviewRoulette with him, You can catch the whole interview via our #youtubechannel. You'll get the full 2 hour interview Odd Man did with him.
In this episode of The Odd Podd! Odd Man has a BIG announcement about the future of the show. We're bring interviews to The Odd Podd. First one comes next week. We'll be talking about the #bermudatriangle, #reptilian #aliens, #graphicscards, #death, #paintedrocks, #DoctorWho, #paralleluniverse, and more! Music from Bliss My Heart, The Chinchillionaires, Oceanhoarse, Make sure you check out our sponsor Motor City Candleworks for all your stocking stuffer needs. […]