
232 Results / Page 19 of 26



The Mumford High School 40 year Reunion Edition

Countdown to Showtime: [ujicountdown id="Radio-Thon Countdown" expire="2014/08/08 17:00" hide = "true"]   Good to be a Mustang! Today 5pm-7pm on www.tapdetroit.com  313 429-0801  call in and holla at a Mustang.. After forty years the old school gets together again.. Mumford HS 4o year class reunion tonight at Burton Manor in Livonia and shout outs will go to everyone. Election results and analysis..   General Election Turnout predictions. Taking your Blunts […]

todayAugust 8, 2014 8


The Weed Seed Marc Emery Deportation Party in Detroit – Aug 2014

Today's show will be a tribute to Marc Emery who is leaving the USA via the Detroit/Windsor tunnel after spending 5 years for selling Marijuana seeds internationally. We are hoping that we the people can ask Attorney General Eric Holder to allow the US Marshall to fly Mr. Emery into Detroit City Airport for a small reception and apology from weed the people. (click here - Party in Detroit with […]

todayAugust 1, 2014 7


Did Snoop Dogg smoke weed at the White House? Commentary by T-Money Green

We will ask T-money his commentary regarding  The Dogg-Father firing one up on the grounds of the White House. (Click here to read Snoop's story) Marc Emery: Canadian Weed Hero is leaving America after 5 years in prison for selling seeds.  He will be sent via the Detroit/Windsor Tunnel back home sometime in August.  The Prime Minister of Canada and a few of his friends do not want him back. […]

todayJuly 25, 2014 6


How Detroit Are You? State your case with the 5XL Crew

Countdown to Showtime: [ujicountdown id="Radio-Thon Countdown" expire="2014/07/18 17:15" hide = "true"]   www.tapdetroit.com Detroit's Dankest Internet Radio Station   I am so Detroit that I called a meal at the Kresgee on 7 mile and Livernois a privilege!  Call in and state your case at 313 429-0801 or post on our FB page Detroit Weekend with Mustang Gathering Saturday July 19, 2014 at the Mumford HS Football field  12-4. 8 […]

todayJuly 18, 2014 4


Who has the best Weed in Detroit? / 5pm Today with 5xl Large and in Charge

Countdown to Showtime.... [ujicountdown id="Radio-Thon Countdown" expire="2014/07/11 17:00" hide = "true"] There have been rumors of people travelling to California and Colorado because they have better weed. All of the efforts that we gave in Michigan to get it legal here may be for naught. Or Maybe? We want to know who has the best Weed in Detroit.  Or as T-Money Green calls it, some Snoop Dogg knock you on […]

todayJuly 11, 2014 2


5xl – Large and In Charge / Today’s Show @ 5pm EDT

Countdown to Showtime [ujicountdown id="Radio-Thon Countdown" expire="2014/06/27 17:00" hide = "true"]   Cannabis Review of  Apollo 13 and White Widow Skunk by T-Money Green and the Weed Man WeedMan is a member of the  Trade Union Labor Council... ! Vet Ann and her "Torture for Health" plan...  :) City of Detroit News:     The State Fair Project,  M1 Rail, and Apprentice Jobs. Mumford 40 Year Reunion Noise...

todayJune 27, 2014 6
