
232 Results / Page 21 of 26



Bong Hit for Kym Worthy! Endorsement of Mark Totten for Attorney General 2014

Countdown to Showtime [ujicountdown id="Radio-Thon Countdown" expire="2014/04/18 17:00" hide = "true"]   Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy endorses Mark Totten for Attorney General 2014 Schuette in the Hood,  Schuette in the Hood. It ain't no good with Schuette in the Hood. Electronic Football News with Jim "The Hulk" Davis. The Return of T-Money Green to the show!   Yea!!! Sponsored by Blue Dream, and Grannys Panties with a touch of Larry […]

todayApril 17, 2014 5


Green Eggs and Ham, Getting right with Sam I Am. 5xl Large and in Charge @ 5pm

Are Canna-Butter and Grits the ultimate hit? Countdown to Broadcast from Detroit's Dankest Internet Radio Station [ujicountdown id="Radio-Thon Countdown" expire="2014/04/11 17:00" hide = "true"]               Today's Show. Jim "The Hulk" Davis and Electronic Football News T-Money Green LA Report Attorney Rohn Mitchell and running for Wayne County Probate Court. Repealing PA 460 of 2012 with the help of a county prosecutor Sponsored by  Hybrids […]

todayApril 11, 2014 91


Toke and Talk with 5XL Pre Hash Bash Marijuana Liberation Day Show

Count Down to Showtime:  [ujicountdown id="Radio-Thon Countdown" expire="2014/04/04 17:00" hide = "true"] Sponsored by  Hy-C and OG Kush..     A complete beliva in Cannabis Sativa Good news  on PA 460 of 2012 Call in Report from "The Hulk" as he travels to DC to take on all challengers in Electric Football. T-Money Green's LA Report as he causes Earthquakes in California  by thumping the Bass so hard.  Weed Man […]

todayApril 4, 2014 10


Repeal Public Act 460 of 2012 = A tax cut for Medical Marijuana paitents

Countdown to Show Time... [ujicountdown id="Radio-Thon Countdown" expire="2014/03/28 17:20" hide = "true"]   Did you know that this law is responsible for increased arrests by law enforcement to fund local libraries? Your medicine does not belong in a trunk with your gun.  If that is the case then put your Ambien in the trunk also.   This law is not worth a 90 days in jail with a $500 fine to […]

todayMarch 28, 2014 6


Poll Results: Pot Funded Pensions for Retired Public Employees

Countdown to ShowTime [ujicountdown id="Radio-Thon Countdown" expire="2014/03/21 17:00" hide = "true"]     The results of the poll conducted by the Friends of  George are as follows: Hell Yes                     7 Yes                              1 Don't Give a Damn  1 No                               2 Hell No                       1 To see the complete poll and results, please click here Call in Friday's  between 5-7pm  at 313 429 0801 and share a bong hit with the  Weed Man, The […]

todayMarch 21, 2014 8


Should Pot be used to fund Public Pensions? Cast your Vote Today for Yea or Nay.

Take the  poll at the top of this blog (click here to vote) to cast your vote for funding Pension programs with Pot.   Todays plan of adjustment will be smooth sativa with a touch of indica.. Music by  T-Money Green,  Sports and Electronic Football with Jim "The Hulk" Davis   Showtime is in: [ujicountdown id="Radio-Thon Countdown" expire="2014/03/14 17:01" hide = "true"]

todayMarch 14, 2014 8
