
232 Results / Page 3 of 26



Detroit’s New Marijuana Ordinance – Opting Into Common Sense

On Today's show with hosts Edward "T-Money" Green and Richard "Free The Weed" Clement   Happy Belated Birthday to you T-Money Green! Music from the catalouge of T-Money Green and the Road Work Crew Bets and bong hits on the game between Cass Tech at Mumford! Go Lions and protesting the Donald = knee, lock arms, and Vote this November for candidates with a cause? Discussing the new marijuana ordinance […]

todaySeptember 29, 2017 6


Sign All Positive and Job Creating Marijuana Petitions!

On Today's show we are hoping to hear from Timothy Locke of Abrogate,  Colin McDougal from MI Legalize and a spokesperson for the new Detroit Opt In Medical Marijuana ordinance on the November 7th ballot. City of Detroit November Election Analysis on which candidates would be better for progressive use of Cannabis products to aid in the revival of the City of Detroit adding to the quality of life. Music […]

todaySeptember 15, 2017 6


Detroit Cannabis 420 Slate of Candidates

These are the recommended candidates for Office in the City of Detroit based on the issue of  Cannabis Reform in the City of Detroit. Vote Tuesday August 8th, 2017 starting from 7am to 8pm Find your Polling location by clicking here to smoke the vote  

todayAugust 7, 2017 31


Pre-Election Special – Cannabis Commerce and You – What Can Weed Do For You?

[powerpress]   From filling potholes with concrete made from weed, to managing the growing Marijuana industry,  voters have to keep an open mind and do their research into the uses of Male and Female plant.  Hemp fuel for public vehicles and the changing attitudes toward the plant will shape the future of Detroit and America.   This includes Canada too because on July 2018, recreational Marijuana will be legal across the […]

todayAugust 4, 2017 33


Shay from District 2 – Fitzgerald Neighborhood Activist live at 5:30pm

[powerpress] Shay from District 2  On today's show, Shay from the Fitzgerald Neighborhood will question the Weed Warrior and Host T-Money Green on progress and concerns in the neighborhood.  The project www.fitzgerald-detroit.com is part of taking back our neighborhood for the common good of everyone.  On Nov 7th, Marijuana issues will be on the ballot to reform the current Detroit Marijuana ordinance. Removal of Parks, and Liquor stores highlight most significant […]

todayJuly 7, 2017 40
