
232 Results / Page 5 of 26



Vote Green in 2017 Joe White of MINORML

From 5-7pm today Join hosts Free The Weed and T-Money Green with Joe White of Michigan NORML talking about what we can do get the Economic Benefit of Marijuana and remove all criminal penalties for possessing and using Cannabis.   Be a part of the 4/20 Voter Registration program of Tap Detroit and local Marijuana Care Centers in the City. How can MMCC owners help churches pay their water bills? […]

todayApril 7, 2017 3


We are Back Online / THC Conference Show Special

Detroit's Dankest Internet Radio Station is back on after maintaining peace with the owners of the facility. After a further review of both sides of the picture, we have the full faith of the City and Ownership to remain and sustain creativity with artists instead of captivity in a jail.  With the help of current tenants, the Russell Center will be up to code with the City of Detroit.  We […]

todayMarch 17, 2017 10


Is Cannabis a Religious Institution?

Join us in praise today at 5pm to discuss the recent denial of  variances for  Marijuana Caregiver Centers in the City of Detroit by the Board of Zoning Appeals based on religious institutions.  Whats Next? #NoMoDPSSchoolClosings  DPS Alumni rise up to shut down the shut down.  #FreeMumford Super Bowl Picks and Detroit Lions...  our time will come.. Hosted by the Weed Warrior, with Music and commentary from the legendary bass […]

todayFebruary 3, 2017 4


Repeal and Replace Detroit’s Marijuana Ordinance

Today's show will give the latest news on Medical Marijuana in the City of Detroit. Will the people get a voice in redesigning the new ordinance. Music History with Grammy Award Winning Bassist T-Money Green Alternative Fuel initiative with cities in Michigan by law requiring all public owned vehicles be required to run from alternative energy like industrial hemp. Special guests call ins .     Call #313 429 0801

todayJanuary 27, 2017 5
