257 Results / Page 4 of 29



Pre-Election Special – Cannabis Commerce and You – What Can Weed Do For You?

[powerpress]   From filling potholes with concrete made from weed, to managing the growing Marijuana industry,  voters have to keep an open mind and do their research into the uses of Male and Female plant.  Hemp fuel for public vehicles and the changing attitudes toward the plant will shape the future of Detroit and America.   This includes Canada too because on July 2018, recreational Marijuana will be legal across the […]

todayAugust 4, 2017 31


Shay from District 2 – Fitzgerald Neighborhood Activist live at 5:30pm

[powerpress] Shay from District 2  On today's show, Shay from the Fitzgerald Neighborhood will question the Weed Warrior and Host T-Money Green on progress and concerns in the neighborhood.  The project www.fitzgerald-detroit.com is part of taking back our neighborhood for the common good of everyone.  On Nov 7th, Marijuana issues will be on the ballot to reform the current Detroit Marijuana ordinance. Removal of Parks, and Liquor stores highlight most significant […]

todayJuly 7, 2017 33
