DJ Do$ Lopez

DJ Dos Lopez – Break DubHouse Mix featuring E.L. Chaotic

todaySeptember 3, 2015 4

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  1. What type of music?A: I make all types from tech to house and rap and putting in work for the hip hop culture
  2. When did you first start? I fist started at 8 but took it seriously at 15 because i Break dance too and make beats and comedy stand up
  3. Why did you decide to start it? Uhh for the music i wanted to contribute to a culture of my own and I love it on top of that
  4. Are you a solo Artist or part of group? Both I am in a number of set groups Triple Seven Renegade for instance and OLF and Chaotic Zombie but I also do my solo thing
  5. What name do you go by? E.L. Chaotic which has been my name since I was 13 which is EL upside down and also 73 the year bruce lee pass bless his soul
  6. How did you come up with the name? it just came to me i was in spanish and one of my uncs in hispanic and black anyway so why not hahaha
  7. Who do you like to collaborate with? a few of my bros and who can match the vibe and Chester watson I fucks with his music
  8. Where do you play?open mics wherever the crew might be performing it varies in this business when your doing majority of everything yourself with some help
  9. When are your upcoming shows? Downtown and in Midtown once I talk over with my people I will keep you posted with the fan page, soundcloud, twitter, insta G, and reverb nation


Written by: DosLopez

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