1. Type of Music. HIP HOP
2. When did i start. My Household was full of music, but the real bug hit when i saw the HIP HOP dance movie Breakin. I saw a dj in the movie and i came home and started putting all the stereo components in the house together to try and make me a dj system. lol so i started in the 80’s
3. Why did i start it. I started Urban Ambiance because i have been wanting to get back in the internet radio game for a while. I was one of the first people playing Hip Hop on internet radio back in 2002 when i had my own show on a AM station. Upon return to the game i didnt want to be a fish in the ocean. I dont like following trends i like creating them. I have been dealing closely with the producer community for some years, so everything just lined up and it seems like now is the right time to go for it!
4. am i solo or a group. I am a one man army! lol. I am a entertainment Entrepreneur. So i have my own marketing and promotions company, but i have partners that i work with on different projects depending on the expertise i need to assist with getting the job done for a client .
5. Name. Uncle P
6. How did i get name. Long story. I was a artist at one time and had several names and all of them had P in it which is my middle initial. When i went to school in Atlanta i was a few years older than most of the folk that was in my class, maybe only by 3 years but i have always been rather mature for my age. I used to give alot of advice to folk, let them stay at the apartment while they waited to go home after dropping out of school. Heck i had almost 12 people staying at my 3 bedroom apartment for a minute cause i couldnt say no to someone in need. during that time period somebody told me i was like that cool ass Uncle that the partents didnt want they children spending that much time with because they knew REAL LIFE would be discussed. I came back from Atlanta and i was going by Popz i think but i never like that. I was starting that radio show and said i need a different name. That conversation from atlanta popped in my head and i was like thats it! UNCLE P was born! lol
7. Who do i collaborate with. Creative Humble people. I love good honest people. Sad to say is those type of folk seem even more rare as the years pass on. So i deal with pretty much the entire Detroit Hip Hop scene that are about they business.
8. where do i play. My home location for events is the Shelter inside St. Andrews Hall
9. Next show. My next show is July 31st 2015 BEAT RETREAT A producer Picnic for lack of a better word. I rented out this campground for 22 hours!!! Going to have bon fires, producer beat sets, Emcee Cyphers, good food, Dj’s, and everything else you can imagine that goes down on a campground! lol