Cult Of Odd

Episode 77: Unfiltered Odd 3

todayJuly 2, 2022 15

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On Friday June 24th 2022, the Supreme Court of the United States of America passed down a ruling that is no less than an act of war against women.

We cannot let this stand and should no longer be “playing ball” with our politicians. I for one am tired of not having representation within our so called governing bodies.

On that Friday, we chose to go dark as to stand in solidarity with all the women of the USA. We ended up losing a sponsor because of it. That loss, is minute in the grand scheme of what our country lost that day.

I was angry, filled with rage and ready to tear this country apart. It was better to remain silent on that day for many reason, but most of all was the fact that I had no peaceful and non violent suggestions to make.

After some time to think, read and calm the internal rage. I came upon an idea that may or may not be effective. I outline this idea in the episode. Below you find links, one is to download the United Nations Violation of Human Rights complaint form, Another is to a pre-written letter that I wrote. The idea is to copy and paste, then email it directly to the UN.

You will also find links to the UN page for the articles of Human Rights as well as their email address and physical address.

Consider this a last ditch effort at a peaceful and logical resolution to the crimes continually perpetuated by the United States government against the people of the United States of America.

We are humans above all else, one rock and one people.

UN Complaint Form

Pre-Written Email

United Nations Declaration of Human Rights…

File A Complaint…

Communications intended for handling under the Human Rights Council complaint procedure may be addressed to:

Complaint Procedure Unit
Human Rights Council Branch
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Office at Geneva
CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Fax: (41 22) 917 90 11

One Rock, One People

Written by: Odd Man

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