5XL – T-Money Is Coming to Blast the Winter Blast

todayJanuary 26, 2018 11

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On Today’s show

The Bass Master of Detroit Edward T-Money Green will let the people know that on Sunday January 28, between 5-6pm, the Roadwork crew will be playing at the Detroit Meridian Winter Blast at Campus Martus Park in Downtown Detroit.  He will be playing some of his new music and oldies from playing for artists like the late Ron Banks,  Warren G,  Snoop Dogg, and others. Come on down to  Downtown Detroit and partay!  Learn how to ski too..

In other news,

The Weed Warrior’s status report of Detroit’s Marijuana Facilities and  Zoning ordinance snafu  and, what to do about it if you want to start a Marijuana Business in Detroit.

The Questions are:

In the process of Freeing the Weed,  how do we reinvest the revenue back into the community?  Will our neighbors to the South of Detroit in Windsor go along with Cannabis paying for a modern Ambassador Bridge to eventually replace the 85 year old span?

Quit the bickering because it’s time for dicker and dealing!

Call in at 313 429-0801

Co hosts Edward T-Money Green and Richard “Free The Weed” Clement.  With Engineer  Mr. Olin Ezra.


Written by: WeedMan

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