Guest Detroit Police Comish Ricardo Moore Today @ 5:40pm

todayFebruary 7, 2014 4 1

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weedleaf1Listen to the 5Xl Crew Interview with Detroit Police Commissioner Ricardo Moore #5

Status report on The Detroit Police Commission  30 status report to the people

Shout out to Sgt. Robert Mitchell

Shout out to Retired DPD Member Brenda Goss Andrews


Legalizing Marijuana to cut Health Care Costs for employers and employees?   When employees get hurt in the line of  duty, they are given strong and expensive opiates such as Oxycodone and Vicodin to ease their pain.  Would Marijuana be cheaper?

Should there be a City ordinance allowing for Medical Marijuana patients to medicate in public  NO TOBACCO zones in the City of Detroit?

Call in @ 313 429 0801


[ujicountdown id=”Radio-Thon Countdown” expire=”2014/02/07 17:40″ hide = “true”]



Written by: WeedMan

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