Hard Edge Radio

Hard Edge Radio 04/07/16

todayApril 8, 2016 18

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Thursday April 7th was the final weekly live show for Hard Edge Radio. We had a special panel show featuring in studio guests: Gumby from Battlecross, Chad Nicefield from Wilson/The Crofoot and Matt Dalton from Metro 37 Studios and promoter for Dirtfest. We also got phone calls from Screamin’ Scott from WRIF, Phil K. from 89X and Tony Labrie from Banana 101.5. We talked about the local scene, how we can keep it growing, advice to bands, how we work together to make our scene the best it can be and so much more. Plus some great hard rock and metal tunes on the breaks. Hard Edge Radio airs live Thursday nights from 8-10pm EST on Tapdetroit.com.


Written by: Howie

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