Marijuana in Mackinaw. Setting Policy to Keep the Weed Free.

todayJune 5, 2015 7

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The Weed Man files his report from Mackinaw on the State of the Bud. We will be covering the recent Mackinaw Policy Conference and our plant from the earth:

With Prop 1 going down in flames, why should we volunteer our plant to fix the roads without any oversight? NO FREE POT FOR MDOT!

It is time to change the law in 2016 because if you are going to tax our weed, then you have to quit using Marijuana as a condition of employment…

The 2 proposals that want to legalize in Michigan one has no money, and the other is an attempt to corner the marijuana market for a few.

T-Money Green on Detroit Entertainment News and Jamin in July!

The West Coast Bud Report at 6pm

Engineered by Olin Ezra.

Bong Hit from Detroit!


Written by: WeedMan

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