Mayor Duggan and Councilman Cush will lead a new Push for a Better Detroit!

todayJanuary 3, 2014 4

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Cushingberry for Council President?    Councilman George Cushingberry Jr. is running for President of the Detroit City Council. He is running on a robust agenda to improve Detroit along with Mayor Duggan, City Council, and Sherriff Benny Napolean.  Working together with all of these people, Detroit and Wayne County will be a better place to live.

If elected George Cushingberry will:

1.       NOT Accept a City Car, Credit Card, or a City phone while my city is in financial trouble. Reimbursement for Miles only

2.      Flatten out the organization chart through consolidation and streamlining of staff by Adding two committees on Appropriations and Ethics

3.       Pledge to implement Mayor Duggan’s Dept. of Neighborhoods and, his progressive agenda to revitalize the City.
4.       When the City of Detroit is clear of Bankruptcy, implementing a tax to sustain the pension system.
5.       Vigorous participation in the South East Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG) organization.
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Written by: WeedMan

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