
New Year, New Metal (Insert Limp Bizkit Joke Here)

todayJanuary 22, 2014 13

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We’re nearly through the first month of 2014, but most of us will continue to write “2013” on our bank slips well into late March, amirite?! We might as well just get used to filling out 2 bank slips for the first fiscal quarter of the year, let’s be honest here. Something I have no problem getting used to, however, is all the new metal January has provided us with!

While everything else in the world takes it sweet ass time picking up the pace into the New Year, heavy metal has begun 2014 with a nice handful of quality-ass music for our listening pleasure. Here are a few noteworthy releases I suggest you give a listen. There’s something for everyone! Kids! Grandma! The weird relative you only know as “Uncle Touchy”! Take a gander after the jump.

Warfather – Orchestrating the Apocalypse


Steve Tucker’s (former Morbid Angel vocalist and bassist) new band Warfather is a saucy death metal outfit complete with, what seems like a warning message to mankind: some global shit is about to hit the fan, realize your true potential before it’s too late. Or something like that. I have a strong feeling Tucker could probably qualify to be on an episode of “Doomsday Preppers”. But hey, that’s just me.

Alcest – Shelter

French shoegaze duo Alcest is back in 2014 with a slightly different feel, but not so much so that their sound is unrecognizable; its quite the contrary, actually. Shelter is definitely mellower than previous offerings, yet still caresses the ears with the grace of a ballet dancer. Honestly, I wouldn’t really label this as “metal”, but it’s still safe to say that there are still some metal roots at its core; At least enough to give it a listen if you feel like mellowing out to some beautifully written tracks. College students: this is an album you can throw on while doing homework that won’t distract the living shit out of you. Praise jeebus.

The Vintage Caravan – Voyage

Hold on to your pants, hippies. If you’re craving some quality 70’s bluesy soul rock that’s straight outta 2014, then look no further than the newest release from the Icelandic trio. If you are a fan of bands like Clutch, Gypsyhawk and anything from the Yacht Rock era, you’re most likely going to dig much of what The Vintage Caravan has to offer. I’m not sure how old the band members are, but judging by the press photo, I would guess fresh out of high school (or whatever they call it in Iceland…Gymnasium or some shit? Whatev’s man, its fucking high school to me. ‘Murica). Regardless of the amount of pubes they may or may not have, they clearly know how the play their instruments and write some killer rock riffs to boot. Iceland is where its at, yo.

Any new releases your digging this early into the year? Let me know in the comments!


Written by: "Angela Gossowski"

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