Repeal Public Act 460 of 2012 = A tax cut for Medical Marijuana paitents

todayMarch 28, 2014 6

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weedleaf1Did you know that this law is responsible for increased arrests by law enforcement to fund local libraries?

Your medicine does not belong in a trunk with your gun.  If that is the case then put your Ambien in the trunk also.   This law is not worth a 90 days in jail with a $500 fine to fund the local libraries.

Be kind to Kym Worthy regarding Belle Isle…     Bill Schuette’s last day of work as the Attorney General  is Dec 31,  2014

Speak with the crew on the show  by calling 313 429 0801   Jim “The Hulk” Davis and the Weed Man.

Filing a LA report is our own Toney “T-Money” Green from the house of Warren G, Snoop Dogg and, other co-conspirators



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Written by: WeedMan

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