Should Public Service Workers be allowed to use Cannabis to treat their PTSD?

todayMay 12, 2014 14

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weedleaf1A recent study on Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome conducted by the Detroit Police Department has created concern for the health, safety and, well being of their employees.   Michigan has recently allowed the use of Cannabis to treat PTSD symptoms as required by the State Constitution.

When officers are injured in the line of duty, they are given highly potent drugs to treat their conditions.  Should Cannabis be included in overall healthcare benefits?  Are these questions for the Detroit Police Board of Commissioners to resolve?

(Firefighters and other public service employees are also included in the discussion)

Call in Friday from 5-7pm and talk about it at 313 429-0801  www.tapdetroit.com  5xl Large and In Charge”

On air with “The Hulk”  and “T-Money Green”..   Engineered by Olin Ezra..


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Written by: WeedMan

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