
2 Results / Page 1 of 1



Elect Doug Jones for Jobs in Alabama on Tuesday Dec 12th!

[powerpress] On December 12th, Elect Doug Jones for Senate in the State of Alabama! Alabama Senate Candidate Doug Jones supports the legalization and regulation for taxation of Marijuana. He is in favor of colleges and universities in the State to do research and development on the benefits of the plant.  He will be one more vote to remove Marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act. Legal Marijuana will create jobs in growing alternative […]

todayDecember 7, 2017 5


Will Auburn University and Michigan State University play each other in the Weed Bowl?

Given the success in Colorado of  the Marijuana Industry and, Michigan State defeating Ohio State,  should the two schools play each other in a Football Game in 2014? A one and one series between these two Agriculture schools will raise revenue, expand programs and pay for student expenses like books and 10% of tuition being refunded upon graduation. Shall the proceeds of this game go towards development of  Industrial Hemp products […]

todayJanuary 3, 2014 4
