
56 Results / Page 3 of 7



The First Drive Through Weed Shop in America! Colorado?

  On today's show we will discuss repealing Detroit's current marijuana ordinance and, replacing it to allow drive through service.  Over $200 million dollars in revenue generated from weed sales and the only person complaining in the town is a local pastor worried about the kids.   That is so cool to worry about the children because it is time to quit lying to them.  When 9 year old girl […]

todayApril 21, 2017 31


Repeal and Replace Detroit’s Marijuana Ordinance

Today's show will give the latest news on Medical Marijuana in the City of Detroit. Will the people get a voice in redesigning the new ordinance. Music History with Grammy Award Winning Bassist T-Money Green Alternative Fuel initiative with cities in Michigan by law requiring all public owned vehicles be required to run from alternative energy like industrial hemp. Special guests call ins .     Call #313 429 0801

todayJanuary 27, 2017 5

DJ Do$ Lopez

DJ Do$ Lopez – Sunset Trap Mix

  Promo Video: Social Medias: Donate Online ~Spread Your Music to the World~ [powerpress]

todayNovember 11, 2015 24


The Week In Weed – Detroit Ordinances / Ohio defeat is a Victory for Michigan

Today's show will address the Detroit Marijuana Ordinance that was brought before City Planning Commission. Are these complaints manufactured by people who want to "corner the market on weed"? Reefer madness lives in Detroit.  Meet the new "crook" working for the City identified by evangelicals who hate weed and, Councilmember Pro Tem George Cushingberry Jr. Will busting blight with bud aid in the turnaround of the City of Detroit. Empty […]

todayNovember 6, 2015 9


5XL Large & In Charge 09/11/15

  [powerpress] We talked to Matt Able and bassist Emily Rogers in the second hour -   Is weed Howe we will pay off the loan from Canada to build the Gordie Howe Bridge? The Canadian election is on October 19th and 3.6 Canadian citizens will be given the opportunity to elect a Prime Minister that is Pot Friendly. The Late Piere Tredreau was a strong supporter of Legalized Pot. […]

todaySeptember 11, 2015 30


Celebrating the Return of our own Edward T-Money Green to 5XL

[powerpress] We will be live at 5pm on 5xl Large and In Charge welcoming back my com-padre, and fellow co-host Edward T-Money Green to the show.     Listen in at and call in at 313 429 0801 to holler at my main man.   Issues: The Right Wing war on Weed in Detroit - Proposed ordinances seek to shut down the industry by exorbitant fees, zoning, and questionable […]

todayAugust 28, 2015 35


Snoop Dogg in Lansing MI Sat. July 11th with a Capitol Burn

Greetings Weed Warriors, Snoop Dogg is bringing his show to Lansing Michigan on Saturday July 11, 2015 Show your support for Marijuana reform by purchasing a ticket to the Lansing Common Ground Festival for Saturday Night. The event is located 1/2 east of the Capitol dome, in Downtown Lansing by the Riverfront. (click here to purchase a ticket) Snoop Dogg is headlining the show and we are asking all lovers of […]

todayJuly 10, 2015 5


Legalize Weed? Yes Indeed! 2016 Michigan Ballot Signature Drive has Started

Join us today at 5pm with T-Money Green and Weed Warrior to discuss the 2015 signature drive to place the Marijuana issue on the ballot for 2016. We know that the legislature and the Governor will not cooperate with with the will of the people when it comes to Marijuana.  Therefore we the people have made the bold step of getting enough signatures to place the issue on the ballot […]

todayJune 26, 2015 10


Stand your ground in Washington DC – Weed at the White House

Today's show at 5pm  every Friday from the Russell Center... Alaska and Washington DC  has declared the weed to be freed.... US Rep. Andy Harris(R-Maryland) says NO! Fire up Andy for DC - US Congressional pot hater/dictator Andy Harris. Call his office and let him know to let my people blow!  #CountTheVoteInDC #FreeTheWeed Washington DC Office 1533 Longworth HOB Washington, DC 20515 Phone: 202-225-5311 Fax: 202-225-0254 Hours: Monday - […]

todayFebruary 27, 2015 4
