
56 Results / Page 6 of 7



Do you support the funding of Public pension funds with revenue from the cultivation of Cannabis?

Let your voice be heard by taking the poll on this Blog Website (Click Here To Take the Poll). Detroit's Dankest Internet Radio Station Hosted By:  Jim "The Hulk" Davis, Edward "T-Money" Green and, Richard "The Weed Man" Clement. Sponsored by the Strain of the Week.. Poll Results will be read on the next show coming up in: [ujicountdown id="Radio-Thon Countdown" expire="2014/02/28 17:20" hide = "true"]    

todayFebruary 26, 2014 9


Bankruptcy my a**! – Time for a Colorado Rocky Mountain High $$$$

  Legal pot in Colorado Exceeds Tax Hopes.   Weed is a good plan for adjustment for an ailing city..    A financial Sativa! 5pm  -  5xl Large and in Charge   Detroit Dankest Internet Radio Station Countdown to Broadcast [ujicountdown id="Radio-Thon Countdown" expire="2014/02/21 17:20" hide = "true"]  

todayFebruary 21, 2014 5

Hard Edge Radio

Hard Edge Radio 01/23/2014

Thursday January 23rd on Hard Edge Radio. They talked to lead singer Austin Held from Girl On Fire and members of local metal band Revenant stopped by the studio. Hard Edge Radio airs live every Thursday night from 8-10pm EST on [powerpress]

todayJanuary 24, 2014 26


Light up Detroit in 2014 5-7pm Fridays with 5xl Large and In Charge

If your streetlights are out call the Detroit Lighting Department and ask for Marie Brown at 313 267 8140 and your information will be recorded and your lights will be repaired. If you support Medical Marijuana in Detroit, then register to vote  and Elect Mark Totten for Attorney General in November. Our police department shall not be used against the will of the people.  The Detroit Police have a lot […]

todayJanuary 9, 2014 3


Advertise your Business with US on 5xl Large and in Charge!

Promote your business with us on our show every Friday from 5-7pm.   Competitive ad rates will get your business maximum exposure.  We are extending our offer to Electronic Football Fans,  Musicians and, Marijuana friendly businesses in Detroit and Michigan.   Featuring online/on air bud reports on  indicas, sativas, and hybrids.. Colorado Rock Mountain High vs. The Medicine of Michigan... Cali Cannabis vs. Motor City Monster Bud... Call 3134290801 and place your ad with […]

todayJanuary 3, 2014 3


Todays Show on TapDetroit 12/13/13 @ 5pm-7pm EST

5XL Large and In Charge Radio Show live. Electronic Football News  with Jim "The Hulk" Davis TMoney Green  and Weed Man  Bass players in Hamtramck project... George Cushingberry Jr. For City Council President of Detroit Exploratory Committee Fundraiser.   Why George?   Call in at 313 429 0801 Latest News from Lansing about the liberation of  Cannabis in the City of Detroit. New legislation will make dispensaries legal, while you still can't […]

todayDecember 13, 2013 4


5XL Large and In Charge

Should pot be taxed to save Detroit Pensions and the City of Detroit? Should George Cushingberry Jr. run for Detroit City Council President? Can we repeal the Marijuana Transport Law in 2014? Call in at 313  429 0801   Fridays from 5pm-7pm   Electronic Football News and Music from Jim "The Hulk" Davis, T-Money Green and,  Richard The Weed Man Clement    

todayDecember 10, 2013 15


Metal-heads, Can We Learn To Give A Sh*t About Detroit?

I’m sure by now most of you have seen the Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown episode that aired on Sunday evening, focusing on Detroit and er, its short-comings. (If not, you can view a collection of clips from the episode here.)  We all know the reasons Detroit is in the position that it is, but rarely is the public given a reason to look at it from another perspective. I’m not […]

todayNovember 13, 2013 7
