Free The Weed

21 Results / Page 2 of 3



Repeal and Replace Detroit’s Marijuana Ordinance

Today's show will give the latest news on Medical Marijuana in the City of Detroit. Will the people get a voice in redesigning the new ordinance. Music History with Grammy Award Winning Bassist T-Money Green Alternative Fuel initiative with cities in Michigan by law requiring all public owned vehicles be required to run from alternative energy like industrial hemp. Special guests call ins .     Call #313 429 0801

todayJanuary 27, 2017 5


Impervious Acers of Weed.. Pay for the Water We Need

While a few people cannot afford to pay for an Impervious Acre,  our Marijuana based care centers are adding to the economy of the City of Detroit. Can we put a grow house on 7 mile and Woodward sponsored by church to treat opiod addiction? The Question is? Call in at 3134290801 and listen to Detroit's Dankest Internet Radio Station with Music and Commentary by Grammy Award Winning Legendary Bass […]

todayDecember 9, 2016 8


Free Doc Boyd – Lions – Hornets, Pistons and Wings Oh My

The Committee to Free  Dr.Gwendolyn Boyd from the haters on the Alabama State University President Board of Trustees will give a statement on air today. List of charges against Dr.Boyd Black Friday Special Show with the Dankest news from Detroit.  Music and insight from Grammy Award Winning and main man Bass Master Edward T-Money Green and guest reports from Oregon, and California. It's Friday and what is the State of  your […]

todayNovember 25, 2016 7


Judicial Review 36th District Court Candidate Christopher Blount

If you were a valid Medical Marijuana patient and got arrested for possession of Marijuana on Belle Isle in Detroit MI, you would end up in 36th District Court before a judge. The two current MI Supreme Court Judges Larsen and Viviano would send you to Jail at a for profit institution. Whereas electing judges that grew up in the neighborhood, would expunge the arrest and follow the intent of the […]

todayNovember 3, 2016 15


Tap Judicial Candidate Review – 36th Dist. and Supreme Court

Legal Question: Which Candidates for Judge is likely to dismiss a possession of marijuana charge for having a medical emergency in a State Park? All Belle Isle cases go to 36th District Court.   Today on Detroit's Dankest Internet Radio Station, The Tap-Detroit Judicial Review forum will be analyzing the candidates on Law and Order or, bringing Order when it comes to the law. In the Supreme Court we have […]

todayOctober 21, 2016 11


Firefighters in Michigan Benefit from Weed. Is Hemp Fuel Coming Soon?

  Michigan Firefighters will benefit from Medical Marijuana when House Bill 4209 is signed into law (Page 56 - Lines 2-12). 30% of the proceeds from weed will fund the 1st Res-ponders Fund and Cancer Research on active and retired public servants. This is a tectonic shift in employment policy that will lower health care costs and provide better coverage.  This policy may force municipalities to enact green ordinances like […]

todaySeptember 16, 2016 4


Meet Charlo Greene the Weed Warrior. Breaking: Wayne County Sherriffs harassing Marijuana Patients in Detroit

We are looking forward to receiving Ms. Charlo Greene and the Minority Cannabis Business Owners Association who is visiting our city  from Anchorage Alaska.  She is the entrepreneur who quit her job on the air with flair...  ie "fuck it, I quit"  to work on her own business.  Free passes to the conference will be given to luck winners who contact us. Politician Pushing Pot Fuck it, I Quit […]

todayAugust 12, 2016 2


Snoop Dogg in Lansing MI Sat. July 11th with a Capitol Burn

Greetings Weed Warriors, Snoop Dogg is bringing his show to Lansing Michigan on Saturday July 11, 2015 Show your support for Marijuana reform by purchasing a ticket to the Lansing Common Ground Festival for Saturday Night. The event is located 1/2 east of the Capitol dome, in Downtown Lansing by the Riverfront. (click here to purchase a ticket) Snoop Dogg is headlining the show and we are asking all lovers of […]

todayJuly 10, 2015 5


Marijuana in Mackinaw. Setting Policy to Keep the Weed Free.

Today at  5-7pm on  Call In @ 313 429-0801 The Weed Man files his report from Mackinaw on the State of the Bud. We will be covering the recent Mackinaw Policy Conference and our plant from the earth: With Prop 1 going down in flames, why should we volunteer our plant to fix the roads without any oversight? NO FREE POT FOR MDOT! It is time to change […]

todayJune 5, 2015 7
