Free The Weed

21 Results / Page 3 of 3



Should Public Employee Pensions be Funded By Weed?

Public Employees and Citizens can call in at 313 429 0801 @ 5:20 pm EDT and talk about it on Detroit's Dankest Internet Radio Station Sponsored by the Strain of the Holy Grail Build a Bridge With Bud? Yes We Cannabis? Is weed what you need, indeed? Welcome Roostertail Guests Music by T-Money Green, Engineered by Olin Ezra..  

todayMarch 20, 2015 6


The Mumford High School 40 year Reunion Edition

Countdown to Showtime: [ujicountdown id="Radio-Thon Countdown" expire="2014/08/08 17:00" hide = "true"]   Good to be a Mustang! Today 5pm-7pm on  313 429-0801  call in and holla at a Mustang.. After forty years the old school gets together again.. Mumford HS 4o year class reunion tonight at Burton Manor in Livonia and shout outs will go to everyone. Election results and analysis..   General Election Turnout predictions. Taking your Blunts […]

todayAugust 8, 2014 8


Jury Nullification and Cannabis in Wayne County MI..

If you are selected for Jury Duty and support marijuana reform, vote not-guilty on any marijuana possession, use, and cultivation case that comes before you. This would allow the prosecutors office to use their resources to pursue violent crimes and child molesters. With Belle Isle becoming a state park, more arrests will be made for Marijuana possession, use, and cultivation. What do you think?     313 429-0801  Detroit's Dankest Internet Radio […]

todayFebruary 28, 2014 8
