
5 Results / Page 1 of 1


Cult Of Odd

Horro-Ween Movie List

On the October 2nd episode of The Odd Podd, Cory and Odd found a list of horror movies that somebody claimed was a MUST SEE of each Halloween. The were upset that the list in question held so many questionable horror movies. So they decided to make their own.

todayOctober 5, 2020 21

Hard Edge Radio

Hard Edge Radio 10/30/14

  Thursday October 30th on Hard Edge Radio was our annual Halloween edition of the show. In studio guests were Brian Thomas from Halloween, Sadie from Hip In Detroit and Terry from Bahamut. We spent the evening promoting two of the biggest Halloween bashes in Metro Detroit and threw in some killer tunes and familiar sounds of the season to add to the vibe. Hard Edge Radio airs live every […]

todayOctober 31, 2014 10


The 31 Scariest for the 31 Days Of October:Part II: The Un-deadening

                       So in the first installment I gave you gore-freekz (FREEEEKKKZZZ!!!!!) out there a nice spread of horror movies.  In this installment I forgo the nice and instead throw a bucket of pig’s blood in your face.  Yes, no more Chopping Mall or Thir13en Ghosts.  No.  Instead I am offering you some real freaky, dare I say freaky deaky movies to usher in your Halloween night.  October 16th: V/H/S.  […]

todayOctober 14, 2013 5


Tapdetroit’s 31 For The 31

October is my favorite month.  The food industry starts pumping pumpkin flavorings into everything they can.  The fact most of my clothes are black is no longer a sweaty issue.  And my love of horror movies becomes not a societal woe but an advantage.  I easily spent most weekends of my youth riding my bike up to the video store and renting VHS copies of movies I should not have […]

todayOctober 2, 2013 20
