
25 Results / Page 2 of 3



Legalize Weed? Yes Indeed! 2016 Michigan Ballot Signature Drive has Started

Join us today at 5pm with T-Money Green and Weed Warrior to discuss the 2015 signature drive to place the Marijuana issue on the ballot for 2016. We know that the legislature and the Governor will not cooperate with with the will of the people when it comes to Marijuana.  Therefore we the people have made the bold step of getting enough signatures to place the issue on the ballot […]

todayJune 26, 2015 10


The Hobby Lobby Decision:Religous Freedom Restoration Act and Civil Rights

Recently the US Supreme Court issued a decision in favor of Hobby Lobby to op-out of paying for contraceptives because of their beliefs under the clauses of Religious Freedom Act. The ruling will have different effects on different religions and their beliefs. Rastafarian worshipers use cannabis as a part of their sacrament, or rite of passage.  It can also be considered a civil right too.   The Hobby Lobby decision […]

todayMarch 6, 2015 6


Stand your ground in Washington DC – Weed at the White House

Today's show at 5pm  every Friday from the Russell Center... Alaska and Washington DC  has declared the weed to be freed.... US Rep. Andy Harris(R-Maryland) says NO! Fire up Andy for DC - US Congressional pot hater/dictator Andy Harris. Call his office and let him know to let my people blow!  #CountTheVoteInDC #FreeTheWeed Washington DC Office 1533 Longworth HOB Washington, DC 20515 Phone: 202-225-5311 Fax: 202-225-0254 Hours: Monday - […]

todayFebruary 27, 2015 4


Labor Day Weekend with 5XL hosted by Jim “The Hulk” @ 5pm

Countdown to Showtime: [ujicountdown id="Radio-Thon Countdown" expire="2014/08/29 17:00" hide = "true"] Today's Show starts at 5pm Music and Cali report from T-Money EFL Football with Jim "The Hulk" Workout report from Vet Ann on the 5XL biggest loser campaign. Bong hit for Renee...  get well. State of the Bud report from the Weed Man.  4:20 Voter Registration Drive     Strain of the Weed/Week  Girl Scout Cookie Sing along with the […]

todayAugust 29, 2014 38


Who has the best Weed in Detroit? / 5pm Today with 5xl Large and in Charge

Countdown to Showtime.... [ujicountdown id="Radio-Thon Countdown" expire="2014/07/11 17:00" hide = "true"] There have been rumors of people travelling to California and Colorado because they have better weed. All of the efforts that we gave in Michigan to get it legal here may be for naught. Or Maybe? We want to know who has the best Weed in Detroit.  Or as T-Money Green calls it, some Snoop Dogg knock you on […]

todayJuly 11, 2014 2


Vanessa Simpson Olive For State Rep Dist. 3 / Live at 5pm

Countdown to Showtime [ujicountdown id="Radio-Thon Countdown" expire="2014/06/20 17:00" hide = "true"]   Live interview with Vanessa Simpson Olive, candidate for State Representative in the 3rd District.    She will vote to repeal Public Act 460 of 2013 that requires you to carry your Medical Marijuana in the trunk of your car while driving. She will support the City of Detroit in Lansing to have our own Insurance company or, a single […]

todayJune 20, 2014 17


Green Eggs and Ham, Getting right with Sam I Am. 5xl Large and in Charge @ 5pm

Are Canna-Butter and Grits the ultimate hit? Countdown to Broadcast from Detroit's Dankest Internet Radio Station [ujicountdown id="Radio-Thon Countdown" expire="2014/04/11 17:00" hide = "true"]               Today's Show. Jim "The Hulk" Davis and Electronic Football News T-Money Green LA Report Attorney Rohn Mitchell and running for Wayne County Probate Court. Repealing PA 460 of 2012 with the help of a county prosecutor Sponsored by  Hybrids […]

todayApril 11, 2014 91


Repeal Public Act 460 of 2012 = A tax cut for Medical Marijuana paitents

Countdown to Show Time... [ujicountdown id="Radio-Thon Countdown" expire="2014/03/28 17:20" hide = "true"]   Did you know that this law is responsible for increased arrests by law enforcement to fund local libraries? Your medicine does not belong in a trunk with your gun.  If that is the case then put your Ambien in the trunk also.   This law is not worth a 90 days in jail with a $500 fine to […]

todayMarch 28, 2014 6


Should Pot be used to fund Public Pensions? Cast your Vote Today for Yea or Nay.

Take the  poll at the top of this blog (click here to vote) to cast your vote for funding Pension programs with Pot.   Todays plan of adjustment will be smooth sativa with a touch of indica.. Music by  T-Money Green,  Sports and Electronic Football with Jim "The Hulk" Davis   Showtime is in: [ujicountdown id="Radio-Thon Countdown" expire="2014/03/14 17:01" hide = "true"]

todayMarch 14, 2014 8
