DJ DosLopez – Halloween Special Mix
Contact Me if you Make, Produce, Play Music! ALL Music Welcomed!! Live Video:
Contact Me if you Make, Produce, Play Music! ALL Music Welcomed!! Live Video:
[powerpress] -What type of music? Space Music. I dip into trip hop, psychedelic hip hop, glitchy experimental goodies, and Industrial. -When did you first start? I wrote my first song in 2nd grade, recorded my first mixtape when I was 16. -Why did you decide to start it? I've always been into creating music and hearing my own voice, so it's pretty natural for me. -Are you a solo […]
[powerpress] On Today's show we will review the year in music, politics, cannabis reform and what to expect in 2018. Call in number is 313 429 0801 to kick it with Detroit's dankest hosts, Edward "T-Money" Green and Richard "Free The Weed" Clement. Legalization Nation Every Friday from 5 to 7pm on Detroit's Dankest Internet Radio Station
[powerpress] We will be live at 5pm on 5xl Large and In Charge welcoming back my com-padre, and fellow co-host Edward T-Money Green to the show. Listen in at and call in at 313 429 0801 to holler at my main man. Issues: The Right Wing war on Weed in Detroit - Proposed ordinances seek to shut down the industry by exorbitant fees, zoning, and questionable […]
Join us today at 5pm with T-Money Green and Weed Warrior to discuss the 2015 signature drive to place the Marijuana issue on the ballot for 2016. We know that the legislature and the Governor will not cooperate with with the will of the people when it comes to Marijuana. Therefore we the people have made the bold step of getting enough signatures to place the issue on the ballot […]
Recently the US Supreme Court issued a decision in favor of Hobby Lobby to op-out of paying for contraceptives because of their beliefs under the clauses of Religious Freedom Act. The ruling will have different effects on different religions and their beliefs. Rastafarian worshipers use cannabis as a part of their sacrament, or rite of passage. It can also be considered a civil right too. The Hobby Lobby decision […]
Thursday September 18th on Hard Edge Radio we talked to Trent Hafdahl from After The Burial and had members of Lansing metal band Genocya in the studio. Topic of the week was the whole U2 CD/Itunes fiasco and we gave you the usual upcoming shows and entertainment news. Hard Edge Radio airs live every Thursday night from 8-10pm EST on [powerpress]
Count Down to Showtime: [ujicountdown id="Radio-Thon Countdown" expire="2014/04/04 17:00" hide = "true"] Sponsored by Hy-C and OG Kush.. A complete beliva in Cannabis Sativa Good news on PA 460 of 2012 Call in Report from "The Hulk" as he travels to DC to take on all challengers in Electric Football. T-Money Green's LA Report as he causes Earthquakes in California by thumping the Bass so hard. Weed Man […]