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Cult Of Odd

Episode 61: Nobody Leaves This Place Without Singing The Blues

It's a long title I know, but it feels fitting given who my guest for #InterviewRoulette is. Her name is Susan Lanier, she is an actress, blues musician, theatrical stage actor and bright ray of sunshine. Just to name off a few of her credits. Most people will know her as having been in The Hills Have Eyes (1977). Join our "Cult Of Odd" or "Cult Of Odd Plus" membership […]

todayJanuary 30, 2022 44


The 31 Scariest for the 31 Days Of October:Part II: The Un-deadening

                       So in the first installment I gave you gore-freekz (FREEEEKKKZZZ!!!!!) out there a nice spread of horror movies.  In this installment I forgo the nice and instead throw a bucket of pig’s blood in your face.  Yes, no more Chopping Mall or Thir13en Ghosts.  No.  Instead I am offering you some real freaky, dare I say freaky deaky movies to usher in your Halloween night.  October 16th: V/H/S.  […]

todayOctober 14, 2013 5


Tapdetroit’s 31 For The 31

October is my favorite month.  The food industry starts pumping pumpkin flavorings into everything they can.  The fact most of my clothes are black is no longer a sweaty issue.  And my love of horror movies becomes not a societal woe but an advantage.  I easily spent most weekends of my youth riding my bike up to the video store and renting VHS copies of movies I should not have […]

todayOctober 2, 2013 20
