
7 Results / Page 1 of 1


Cult Of Odd

The Odd Podd: Episode 17 – That Did Not Go As Planned

Sometimes, due to the nature of our show. Plans go out the window quickly and rather than redirect the's best to let what's organically happening run free. Such is the case for this episode. Cory is back in the co-host seat and well, he never prepares and it's always for the best because Odd can just ride Cory's clueless wave to hilarity and entertainment for you. Odd makes several […]

todayJanuary 17, 2021 7

Hard Edge Radio

Hard Edge Radio 05/29/14

Thursday May 29th on Hard Edge Radio we talked to guitarist Erik Kluiber from Gypsyhawk and members of local metal band Pick Axe Preacher stopped by the studio. We also featured the usual entertainment news, upcoming shows and more. Hard Edge Radio airs live every Thursday night from 8-10pm EST on   [powerpress]  

todayMay 30, 2014 42


Flashclash Radio 05/22/14

  [powerpress] the legendary @costaflash talks about ‪#‎electro‬ and ‪#‎synths‬ and hopefully about losing his mind.‪#‎flashclashradio‬ ‪#‎tapdetroit‬ ‪#‎russellharder‬ ‪#‎electropop‬ ‪#‎chillwave‬ ‪#‎edm‬‪#‎trap‬ ‪#‎dance‬ ‪#‎rave‬ ‪#‎dab‬ ‪#‎dabs‬ ‪#‎music‬ ‪#‎moog‬ ‪#‎technics‬ ‪#‎dj‬ ‪#‎comtruise‬‪#‎haim‬ ‪#‎empireofthesun‬ ‪#‎daftpunk‬ ‪#‎leisurecruise‬ ‪#‎flashclash‬‪#‎ourstyleisufo‬ ‪#‎puremichigan‬ ‪#‎detroithustlesharder‬ ‪#‎detroit‬‪#‎makesciencesexy‬

todayMay 22, 2014 100
