Reject The Silence

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The Plankman Show 3-14-19

We had VERY special guest in studio Drew Clark to talk about his NEW band The Chord & The Crow. We had a lot of fun talking about old times & of course Drew played some tunes for us during the show. Music we played was from Griffin Tucker,Social Class Zero,Reject The Silence,Ray Street Park & Underland. Song's Drew performed acoustic for us were "Figure in Doubt", "Think Fast" & […]

todayMarch 15, 2019 54


The Plankman Show 1-31-19

We had a SURPRISE Special guest that even I was unaware of. Ted brought friend & former band mate Chiaki Maeda on the show & we talked about their old band days. We started the show off with 3 Phase. Then we had NEW music from 75 days of sun along with Tomorrow The World,The Tiddies & Wayland.  Then we also played music from Megadeth,Kingoftheill & Hellyeah! We ended the […]

todayFebruary 1, 2019 84


The Plankman Show 01-17-19

The first show of the new year? I think. Anyways we started the show off with music from Dispositions,Circle of Execution & Xerosun. We also talked A LOT about upper Michigan or as we refer to it (The U.P.). Hell we practically made a promo for The U.P. Then we paid tribute to the greatest person in the local music scene Dan "The Man", "Superfan" Mark. We played a"Dan segment" […]

todayJanuary 18, 2019 100


The Tiny & Plankman Show 2-14-16

Our first show back after the 4 year anniversary celebration & boy what a show it was. Things didn't start off good right when we got to the building but got better as the night progressed. We were down 3 midgets( 1 of which refused to bring back Skyline Chili from Ohio & therefore was suspended. Dont let that it was V Day fool you. I suspended him!). We talked […]

todayFebruary 15, 2016 28
