Cult Of Odd

The Odd Podd: Episode 24 – All Rotten

todayMarch 14, 2021 35

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We’re checking the Geneva convention rules to see if Odd subjecting Ace to certain movies is a violation of engagement. Until we have confirmation, the “rotten” movies will continue.

In this episode we talk about Odd’s adventures Door Dashing, a video game called Wreckfest…where you can race a Sofa that’s been suped up and then finally we talk about a movie starring Corin Nemec. It’s based on a Source Point Press comic called Rotten-tail. The movie is a trip and a great addition to any horror collection. Highly stylized to look like a comic panel in every scene. Full of rubber monsters, blood, one liners and gross humor. It’s almost like a love letter to all those great off the wall movies from the 80’s when pulp horror was King!

Our good friend Robert Louis Jr., who was our featured artist last month. Has his song called “Hey Marlena” in a scene towards the end of the movie. He recently re-released his 1st album This Ain’t Nowhere

To stay up to date on all things The Odd Podd, like us on Faceook or give Odd a follow on Twitter. You can also buy some great merch pieces from The Little Shop of Oddities.

One last thing, don’t forget you can build your very own Odd to take wherever you go!

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Places to find The Odd Podd

iTunes: ‎The Odd Podd – All Rotten on Apple Podcasts

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TuneIN: The Odd Podd – All Rotten on TuneIn


Written by: Odd Man

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