
The Weed Seed Marc Emery Deportation Party in Detroit – Aug 2014

todayAugust 1, 2014 7

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5xl RichardToday’s show will be a tribute to Marc Emery who is leaving the USA via the Detroit/Windsor tunnel after spending 5 years for selling Marijuana seeds internationally.

We are hoping that we the people can ask Attorney General Eric Holder to allow the US Marshall to fly Mr. Emery into Detroit City Airport for a small reception and apology from weed the people. (click here – Party in Detroit with Marc)

Check out the plan and share your thoughts on 5xl Large and in Charge today at 5pm on www.tapdetroit.com

Call in and toke with the host at 313 429 0801



059Check ins by Bass Master T-Money Green and Jim “The Hulk” Davis.

EFL warriors, the Hulk is BACK!

Today’s bud sponsor will be Purple Erkel.




Countdown to Showtime:

[ujicountdown id=”Radio-Thon Countdown” expire=”2014/08/01 17:20″ hide = “true”]

Written by: WeedMan

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