Toke and Talk with 5XL Pre Hash Bash Marijuana Liberation Day Show

todayApril 4, 2014 10

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Count Down to Showtime:  [ujicountdown id=”Radio-Thon Countdown” expire=”2014/04/04 17:00″ hide = “true”]


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Good news  on PA 460 of 2012

Call in Report from “The Hulk” as he travels to DC to take on all challengers in Electric Football.

T-Money Green’s LA Report as he causes Earthquakes in California  by thumping the Bass so hard.

 Weed Man celebrates the 43rd Annual  Hash Bash in Ann Arbor  Saturday April 5th at High Noon.

Call and toke/talk with the show hosts  at 313 429 0801 between 5-7pm  EDT every Friday on Detroit’s Dankest Radio Station.



Written by: WeedMan

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