Wayne County Deputies and Medical Marijuana in Detroit

todayAugust 19, 2016 8

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Today at 5pm….  on Detroit’s Dankest Internet Radio Station    call in 3134290801

A PSA from the Weed Warrior

weedleaf1If a team of Wayne County Deputies take your vehicle after leaving a Medical Marijuana compassion center, you are strongly recommended to fight the charges.  There is nothing illegal about visiting a Medical Marijuana facility in the City of Detroit, especially if you have a Medical Marijuana card. Pursuant to local rule, these facilities are recognized by the City of Detroit as a valid place of business under an ordinance that is in litigation by Detroit Dispensary owners. After a vehicle has been seized the victim is required to pay up to $2000 to get the car back and forfeit their right to sue.  In most cases charges are never brought against the victim and, the victim is scared into giving up the money and getting their car back. This issue is ongoing and currently being looked into by legal agencies and advocates and, we are appalled at the conduct of Wayne County Sheriff Deputies who have chosen to disregard the card and choosing to continue the 80 year drug war on weed as mandated by Harrry Anslinger, the first CEO of the Drug Enforcement Agency in 1929.

Meanwhile, you are strongly encouraged to get legal counsel and fight for the following:

  1. Return of Vehicle ASAP
  2. Refund of all collected “fines”
  3. Dismissal of all charges

Make sure to use your cell phone to document the harassment.

Also please obtain badge numbers and save all receipts.

In one case a car was returned when it was determined that the lady had valid reason for entering the establishment.

You want your vehicle and medicine returned at once.

Written by: WeedMan

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